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The light performance of the Octagon was designed to exceed the Super Ideal Round in terms of brilliance, fire and scintillation. The facet structure of the Octagon was designed to have higher facets at a precise angle on the lower girdle facets to boost its scintillation without compromising on the size of the fire. This is done by cleverly shaping the star facet to complement the perfectly sized lower girdle length. This creates a harmonious retention of large flashes of fire and increased scintillation without compromising each other.

When fire and scintillation is increased to such an impeccable level. Brilliance is often and always compromised. This revolutionary cut allows the diamond to retain its brilliance with absolutely no over contrasting effect. The extra facets on the upper girdle facet is meticulously designed to pair with the lower girdles to create extra fire and sparkle, seen along the edges of the diamond that most diamonds in the world is unable to achieve. The 8 distinct black arrows brings the octagon’s brightness to a whole new level that reveals one of the most clean, bright and pristine diamond ever to be seen in the history of the diamond industry.


The Octagon exhibits 8 perfect Hearts and 8 distinct arrows. Optical symmetry is more challenging to achieve for the Octagon diamonds as the extra facets is created meticulously angled on the minor facets which can only be achieved through hand polishing by a true Master Cutter. Despite these extra facets being small, it is what makes the extraordinary difference in the optical beauty of the octagon diamond. As each side of the octagon is cut to perfect length to ensure the truest of shape.

The 8 precise corners of the Octagon must be of perfect shape and symmetry, in order for all the other facets to fall in place. Each corner complements and emphasizes the arrow tips to enhance the contrast patterning in the diamond. Because of the nature of its facet structure, rough carat wastage is higher but not forgotten. Its optical beauty lives on within the Octagon 8 Hearts & Arrows.



The sparkle and fire of the Octagon Hearts & Arrows diamond is seen in large explosive flashes that is seldom seen in a higher facet count diamond. This is extremely rare to achieve as most high facet count diamonds sacrifices on the size of the fire and sparkle for smaller flashes of scintillation. Every movement of the octagon diamond captures and captivates the attention of any viewer from close to far distances due to the extreme scintillation of large flashes and sparkle. A true masterpiece that achieves the best of both worlds in fire and scintillation.


At the highest point of 80-90 degrees light source, the Octagon Hearts & Arrows exhibits large bold flashes of fire through its arrows and coupled with small to medium flashes toward the crown and edge of the diamond. Even a slight movement in the angle of the light source is enough to trigger a dynamic scene of light play. As the light source is lowered, countless flashes of fire is seen through every major and minor facet of the diamond. At every angle of the light source, bold flashes of fire is always coupled with smaller flashes of scintillation.



This unique 8 sided 88 faceted diamond has been one of the most popular diamond in JANNPAUL ever since its release in 2015. It holds the ability to appear classic and different at the same time, depending on its orientation, NSEW or square formation. The NSEW orientation allows the Octagon diamond to appear like a round from an arms length distance, yet looking uniquely different at the same time. Upon closer inspection, one would notice its perfect 8 sided octagon shape. Alternatively, the Octagon 8 Hearts & Arrows can appear to be a cut cornered square Hearts & Arrows diamond, allowing a plethora range of designs. The Octagon 8 Hearts & Arrows is a posh and elegant diamond that carries both the highest of light performance and individuality. The most suitable diamond for those who wants to be uniquely different but not stray too far. The perfect Super Ideal Cut to stand out from the crowd and make a statement.